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CTS Professional Packages

CTS Professional Packages

  • $25/mo. FLAT
  • $0.15 / Micro
  • $0.25 / E-Mini
  • $0.50 / Standard
  • $625 Transaction Cap
  • 500 Subscriptions
  • Mobile Apps for iOS and Android
  • Multiple Monitor Support for 30+ Quote Boards, Charts, and Depth Windows
  • Full Depth with MBO (Market by Order) and PIQ (Position in Queue)
  • Charts with 1 Minute Resolution, Custom Session Times, and Chart Trading
  • Custom Chart Study Scripting and 50+ Built-in Studies and Indicators
  • Multi-Broker and Multi-Account Order Management with Copy Trading
  • Advanced Order Types and Order Templates
  • Option Chains and Option Strategies Board
  • .NET API, FIX API, DDE, and RTD Functionality
  • Forward Curves Graph
  • Time and Sales Data
  • $50/mo. FLAT
  • $0.15 / Micro
  • $0.25 / E-Mini
  • $0.50 / Standard
  • $650 Transaction Cap
  • 1000 Subscriptions
  • All Core Benefits
  • Tick Resolution Charts with All Available Studies and Indicators
  • Heiken Ashi, Renko, and Point & Figure Charts
  • Overlay Second Contract on Charts and Add Studies on Studies
  • Futures Spread Matrix
  • CTS Auto Skew with Theoretical Option Greeks
  • Customizable Option Pricing Sheets
  • Theoretical Greeks in Option Depth Windows
  • RFQ Expired Strategies for Trading at the Exchange
  • Advanced Time and Sales Data
  • Preferential Servers
  • $100/mo. FLAT
  • $0.15 / Micro
  • $0.25 / E-Mini
  • $0.50 / Standard
  • $700 Transaction Cap
  • 2500 Subscriptions
  • All Core+ Benefits
  • Breaking News Stories
  • Economic Indicators
  • Pete Steidlmayer’s Time Entry
  • Custom Futures Spread Creation and Charting
  • Client-Side Custom Futures Spread Order Entry
  • Option Strategy Solver for Spread Analysis
  • UDS (User Defined Spread) Submission for Option Spread Creation

Tailored Solutions

T4 Options Auto 1

A starter options system for viewing CTS-generated volatility, greeks, and theoretical values. $100/mo additional fee for T4 Options Auto 1.

T4 Options Pro

A complete options system for generating theoretical values, pinpointing and comparing trading opportunities, creating custom spreads, and multi-scenario position analysis. $500/mo additional fee for T4 Options Pro.

T4 Custom Strategies

A client side application that allows for creating, charting and trading custom spreads. Pick the legs and ratios to trade and T4 Custom Strategies will provide real-time depth of market quotes for the custom spread. $50/mo additional fee for quotes and charts, $100/mo for quotes, charts, and trading.

T4 Options Auto 2

A better options system that includes everything from Options Auto 1 plus theoretical values in the contract ladder, a strategy solver to analyze option spreads, and UDS (custom spread creation) capability. $200/mo additional fee for T4 Options Auto 2.

Market Profile

An intra-day charting technique used to evaluate market value as it develops during the trading session. CME Documentation $10/mo additional fee for Market Profile.

Time Entry

Pete Steidlmayer's Time Entry functionality allows easy submission of orders to be entered into the market automatically at a future time. $12.50/mo additional fee for Time Entry.

Register for a Sim Today

Start receiving real market data and experience the full functionality of CTS risk-free. Real-time data and full functionality are available for 2 weeks from the time of registration.

Want to Trade Live?

If you would like to start trading live, please contact a clearing firm that offers the CTS platform. Click the link below to find a list of licensed customer firms and their contact information.

T4 Pricing

Explore T4 package offerings and add-ons that best fit your trading needs.